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Book Name: The Osho UpanishadPrevious     Next

Question 1



My beloved ones...

You are blessed to be here today, because we are starting a new series of talks between the master and the disciple.

It is not only a birth of a new book, it is also a declaration of a new phase. Today, this moment: 7:00 pm, Saturday, the sixteenth of August of the year 1986 -- one day this moment will be remembered as a historical moment, and you are blessed because you are participating in it. You are creating it; without you it cannot happen.

Books can be written, can be dictated to a machine, but what I am going to start is totally different. It is an UPANISHAD.

Long forgotten, one of the most beautiful words in any language, a very living word, `upanishad' means sitting at the feet of the master. It says nothing more: just to be in the presence of the master, just to allow him to take you in, in his own light, in his own blissfulness, in his own world.

And that's exactly the work of a mystery school.

The master has got it. The disciple also has got it, but the master knows and the disciple is fast asleep.

The whole work of a mystery school is in how to bring consciousness to the disciple, how to wake him up, how to allow him to be himself, because the whole world is trying to make him somebody else.

There, nobody is interested in you, in your potential, in your reality, in your being. Everybody has his own vested interest, even those who love you. Don't be angry at them; they are as much victims as you are. They are as unconscious as you are. They think what they are doing is love; what they are really doing is destructive. And love can never be destructive.

Either love is or is not. But love brings with it all possibilities of creativity, all dimensions of creativity. It brings with it freedom, and the greatest freedom in the world is that a person should be allowed to be himself.

But neither the parents nor the neighbors nor the educational system nor the church nor the political leadership -- nobody wants you to be yourself because that is the most dangerous

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